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Green Habitation

The green way of living since 2013

Revolutionary Eco-Friendly Products

Green Buddy Introduction:

Green Habitation has been producing and supplying green cleaning products to businesses, hospitality, government, consumers and more than 5000 schools over the past 18 years.

Healthier Surroundings

Save money while contributing to a healthy Lifestyle and Environment

Green Buddy is a natural multi-purpose product. This all-purpose cleaner replaces 12 chemical products and can be used to clean the following:

  • Engine cleaner. (Use full strength and wipe oil with a cloth);
  • Tile cleaner;
  • Kitchen cleaner;
  • Carpet cleaner;
  • Toilet cleaner;
  • Upholstery cleaner;
  • Oven cleaner;
  • Window and mirror cleaner;
  • Floor cleaner;

A 1-litre bottle can replace ± R550 worth of general chemical detergents. Not only will you help save the environment, but you will also save money. 

Our Product Range

Scouring Pads (Pack of 10). Durable Scrub Sponge Scouring Pad. See usage directions on demonstration videos. 


Ons kleursel en reuk is ook natuurlike produkte. Daar is geen chemikaliee in nie. Dit is waarom dit gesond is om selfs die geur in te asem. Die reuk word gemaak van vrugte en daarom sal die geur partykeer sterker wees as ander kere omdat dit van die seisoen afhang wanneer dit gemaak is. Stoor asb al ons produkte onder 25 grade Celsius want sekere temperature kan die produk verdun, alhoewel dit nie die doeltreffendheid sal beinvloed nie. Die reuk is natuurlike produkte en direkte son of hoe temperature mag die reuk, en produkte wat kleur het, verswak.  Die kleursel mag heeltemal verwyn agv blootstelling aan die son. Dit sal egter nie die produk verswak nie.

The scent used for our products is also natural. There are no chemicals in it, which is why it is healthy even when inhaling the scent. The scent is made from fruit. Therefore the colour will occasionally differ depending on the season it was manufactured. Due to certain temperatures, the product can dilute, but it will not affect effectiveness. Store all our products below 25 degrees Celsius. The smell is made with natural products, and direct sunlight or high temperatures may weaken the scent and products with colour. The colour may totally fade because of direct sunlight. This will not dilute the product.

Before and After Green Buddy All-Purpose Cleaner

Use Green Buddy All-Purpose Cleaner to clean and remove stains. And for very tough stains use Green Buddy Advanced Eco-Friendly Stain Remover.

Cleaning Through Rust

Cleaning tough rust Dirty
Cleaning tough rust Clean
shower before & after

Green Buddy Demo video (English)

Important instruction video on how to use Green Buddy

Green Buddy Demo video (Afrikaans)

Belangrike instruksie video vir die gebruik van Green Buddy

What people say

Customer reviews

Kylie Lynne Jacobs
Kylie Lynne Jacobs
I'm soooo impressed with the hand and body lotion. It really softens the hands. My mother has got eczema on both her hands and when she used this product on her hands they felt like a baby's bottom. Really soft and smooth. Her hands used to be very rough and hard. I didn't get the time to use the all purpose cleaner yet, but I am excited to use it. Thank you. 10 thumbs up for u guys!
Ek is een van Pineview primere skool se opvoeders. Het jou bekendstelling van produk bygewoon Donderdag. Het jou sampel gebruik en dit werk wonderlik.
Charles Foster
Charles Foster
Green Buddy is an amazing product which cut my cleaning time in half, I was impressed to find how quickly it removes the residue from my tiles. Even more amazing is that it's a multi purpose product that does what it promise to do. Thank you for introducing me to an environmentally friendly product. I will spread the news and come back for more.
Het "Green Buddy" by 'n vriend gekry & vanoggend 2 vlekke op 'n hemp daarmee behandel & die vlekke is skoonveld - WEG - dit werk soos 'n bom - en BAIE VINNIG ook!! [Dis Soveel VINNIGER, MAKLIKER, DEEGLIKER & VEEL BETER as enige ander vlekverwyderaar, bv. "Vanish", " Preen", groenseep, ens. Dit ruik ook nie skerp of sleg nie, my oë begin ook nie traan as ek daarmee werk nie, en my bors trek ook glad nie toe, of begin ek te hyg as ek daarmee werk nie!!] - In kort, dit WERK regtig!!!
You came to our school Solomon Qatyana to present your product Green Buddy, wow its working, my car interior looks new,,😁 thank you so much!
Gwen Koen
Gwen Koen
I am extremely excited to announce that a product of this quality is sure the best that I have ever used in my entire life. It's clear, chemical free and removes tough grind beautifully. I used it to clean my stove & boy did it reveal dirt that accumulated over the years. I can't wait for the holidays so that I can do more cleaning around the house. It is surely the BEST.
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